So apparently my man, Mike 'Deuce', is an unregistered citizen of the US; so on our way to Latin Cafe (should've been my first hint) for breakfast, (I'm freshly awake and rockin my Bowery Hotel slippers) we get pulled over . . .
3 more squad cars later, they frisk dude and put him in the back of their car after an "Immigration Violation" comes up on their laptop w/ a pic of him. While I, fresh from losing my wallet in NYC, have no ID to show the officers. The move??
c: "Nah, I dunno the guy."
p: "Do you have a cell phone?"
c: "Yeah."
p: "Ok, you're free to go, but we're towing this car, so you should probably call someone to pick you up."
10 minutes later, Aramis scoops me up in the Porsche. Mike's going downtown.
EDIT: He's freeish now; but unless you're clean, don't hang out w/ dude, anywhere.
The Clash - Police On My Back
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hanging w/ Illegal Aliens
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Joel's Wet Dream
Friday, November 28, 2008
i took the opportunity of posting a bit early and getting some things off my chest about this and the past few years of art basel. it seems to me that there is a high lack of "interesting" art out there and by interesting i mean things with a nice deep conceptual base and technical skill, it seems to me that most of this has been replaced with stuff that's cool. i do understand that art is a business in in order for the business to keep going you need to sell product, but it seems like there is a lack of quality but there is a lot more quantity. i cannot say this year will be great but from what i have seen so far again... its just more cool hip stuff. kinda like what happened to hip hop. oof lets not even go there.. speaking of hip hop not to go to much off topic, chocolate Sundays a party that most of us ( on the blog) dj at is having its regular monthly spelling bee this dec 7th and they are themeing it a 90s jam. meaning come dressed out in your best 90s gear (if you have some cross colors shit i suggest you bring that out) nautica jackets baggy jeans etc. i am looking more forward t that than the circus of what we call the art market that will be hitting us in a few days. (I've seen mad head sell out for cheap fame) by all means go and get yours but don't sell yourself short trying to achieve an imaginary place in a market who will only see you for the trend you are in... to me art should be able to stand the test of time and not just some trend that you see some dudes do and you think hey i can do that too that shits cool.
hahah ok imma stop hating yall do you
imma do me :)
i think its time for some revelations
2 live crew- revelations
ripped from my homeboys CD collection at 320
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mujava vs. Radioclit
The Swedes just[like 2 minutes ago, so we're dealing with now] hit me up w/ their (finally mastered) remix of DJ Mujava's Township Funk. The OG pretty much followed me around everywhere I went to dj outside of Miami these past couple months; but hopefully some Miamians(?) will pick up this version, and let it take over.
DJ Mujava - Township Funk (Radioclit Remix - Mastered)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday Mix Up!!! Induce @ The Do-Over :: LA
I've been back a couple weeks now, but probably the best time I had while DJing in LA happened at this party, The Do-Over. Thrown by Stones Throw affiliates Aloe Black, Jamie Strong, and Chris Haycock, The Do-Over is a seasonal party that happens during the Summer, starts at 4 in the afternoon and is just simply about good music. Coincidentally, the week I played was the last installment of the Do-Over for the season so it was total blow out style with like, 8 DJ's including Dam Funk, J-Rocc, Peanut Butter Wolf, Madlib, and even detroit repper House Shoes showed up and played a few. LA showed me lots of love and I would like to thank everyone at the Do-Over (as if people read this blog), ya'll made me feel at home. Big Up to Jamie and Aloe, and especially the mayor of LA, Havanna Joe for making it happen. This mix is ALL VINYL - No MP3's, no represses. Get with it if you can.
Hometeam Podcast
• The Future M.C.’s
• Camille
• Alfonzo
• Sylvia Striplin
• Sharon Redd
• Cheri
• K.I.D.
• Chic
• Gino Soccio
• Cameo
• The Time
• D-Train
• Gaston
• Patrice Rushen
• Daddy’s Favorite
• B.O.C. Productions
• Soho
• The Bucketheads
• Todd Terry, Martha Wash, Jocelyn Brown (MAW)
• Ruffneck (MAW)
• Marshall Jefferson
• Royal House (Todd Terry)
• Black Riot (Todd Terry)
• Cajmere
• Frankie Knuckles
• 2 Live Crew
• Success N Effect
• The Puppies
• The Dogs

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Remember Circa 2008?
Takes Skin To Win
Booty contest went down at Purdy Lounge this past Sunday.
More on Mike Jew:
Jam Pony Express - Lick It Down
Done Did Dat Dere!
Awww sheeeit! Done back in Miami; just got our innernets hooked up w/ the hookup; now back on the blog agaaaiin.
Tower of Power - Back On The Streets Again
That is all.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Olde Addict Records is proud to announce the release of Doormouse's newest mix, 100% Pure Wisconsin Cheese.
While the Nu Addict Records seems swept up in a wave of 'in your face' internet posts and even more in your face 'breakcore', the Olde camp marches on in a display of keeping with the times with a mix full of your favorite artists. Artists like Akon, Justin Timberlake, Freestyle, Squarepusher, DJ Funk, L.O.N.S, Daft Punk, Debbie Bed, Uncle Al, Pitbull, Rick James and many, many more!!!
While other artists prefer to release on labels that they themselves have labeled 'lame', Doormouse keeps the faith right at home.
Executive Producer DJ Wedding DJ sees big thing for this 'net release, and has promised a follow up with a hottmixx of his own.
The choice is yours and the choice is simple, nu gimmicks with empty feelings or olde quality with products that last.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday Mix Up!!!
New Monday Mix Up - It's a bit spacey, alot discoey, with a sprinkle of psychedelia. Again, recorded live weekly at Level25 in the Conrad Hotel on Brickell, every Friday night.
Hometeam Podcast
• Studio
• Emperor Machine
• Rudebox (Chicken Lips)
• Baby Oliver
• Windsurf
• Justin Timberlake (DFA)
• Metro Area
• Kerrier District
• Escort
• Tracey Thorn (Escort)
• Architecture In Helsinki
• Rah Band
• Brennen Green & Studio
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Jock- Jock- Jockin Santi, Jockin Santi
So I was kinda excited for the show -- not really our part of it, but more the 'everything but us' part. I mean, this is 'the guy'. He is on top on top. He's the dude in the orgy who is like: "Aight, who is licking on my toes?!" [Hmm, that analogy totally fell short of what was once funny in my head; but here's to no rewrites in '08.]
Anyways, as I was saying; so he's on top of the game killin everyone Rambo II style; and for the top guy doin his 'on top show', Saltmaster Flash (that'd be me) kinda felt it wasn't all that great. I mean, its hard to knock a show that is stacked full of classic/soon-to-be-classic bangers, but even so, we're working somewhere in the ranges of 7.5 out of 10, definitely no higher than 6.5. You know, being the balanced critic that I am, (a luxury which I like to afford myself, as its waaayy easier than actually making 70 gazillion hit songs), I was definitely let down. If i were a fan spending $300 to get close enough to feel his sweat fall on me, I probably wouldn't really care either way, but back-row seats people -- i know you hear me.
I wish i had more photos/video of the show --- especially his 1990's techno-screensaver graphics that were projected on the massive screens above the stage. But below is pretty much all I snapped.
The "I Got So Many Hits" Encore Segment:
* yeah DJ AM (looking like not a damn thing happened to him) was on stage as Jayz DJ; as in there were turntables on stage, and he had headphones on sometimes -- but i'm thinking it prolly went along the lines of what Craze does w/ Kanye now -- cuz there was a mega ProTools station at the side of the stage.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Next Year For My BDay, I Want You Guys To Get This Guy To Perform.
So, I have been holding on to these for a while and just wanted to share them. For as amazing as they are, they can not even come near to the holy cloth of the man himself.
I Know Somebody Who's Not Getting A Tip.
The other day, some friends and I are sitting and eating dinner, talking about who knows what, when we hear this huge sound of metal on metal. It sounded a bit far so it wasn't loud enough to frighten us, but it was loud enough to spark our attention, that is, until our falafel came and we quickly forgot about it, writing the noise off as simply someone taking out the garbage, the sound a dumpster might make.
About 10 minutes go by and my friends dad, who is as inquisitive and quirky as an 11 year old, couldn't let it go (neither could I, but I was too lazy to get up, as per usual), and he walks to the back alley of the restaurant. Needless to say, the huge noise we heard was actually what it sounds like when your Valet guy falls asleep at the wheel and drives your brand new BMW SUV over a ledge and on top of a couple other cars. I think he was just jealous there was another BMW SUV in the area. Funny thing is, there's this huge crowd of rubberneckers (including me) and the dude is still asleep behind the wheel and the cops aren't there yet. Eventually, a paramedic jumps on top of the hood of the Magnum and the dude gets pulled out the window, wakes up, and finds all the change he was stealing had fallen out of his pockets. Whomp whomp.
This sooo needs to be a BMW SUV commercial. and maybe a TV show too called: BMW SUV:Miami.
So I know the image isn't great, but it's the only one I have.
Monday, November 3, 2008
So as many of you don't know i just got back from chi, OK more like last week. I've just been a tad lazy on uploading my pictures from my digi-cam, which are not all that great. first of all id like to say that Chicago (from what i know) has the best style of American food I've ever experienced (u know pizza, hot dogs, burgers) and a very large number of very cheap and good Mexican restaurants. Another thingy noticed about chi is that there are not only a few but a large amount of record stores, and when you walk in there's people actually buying vinyl.
Kumas corner
a metal style burger joint whose burger names range from every good metal band you can imagine. this here is the slayer. no bread just burger goodness
for some reason the pic is not the right angle
best stuffed pizza ever
Hot dougs
gourmet hot dogs, this place is awesome and i wish there was one down here. they have weird sausages like deer, elk, ostrich, gator etc etc.
gator sausage with blue cheese
now what i really wanted to see was a good ol' juke style dance formation, but i didn't get to see that. maybe next time chi town
special thanks to all the homies out there who posted me up and showed me around, Mando, Gloe, Dirty 30, Vibrator crew (II) and anyone else i forgot.
DJ thadz- da juke a later