Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New Studies Say Depression Hits Losers Hardest
Gotta do a wrap-up of this last Santogold tour across the US, but currently scamming wireless from a neighbor, and that shit is SLOOOOWW . . . . so i'm gon have to wait on that to upload photos/vid etc.
That said, i'm looking forward to this next week; I'm dipping out w/ Santi again -- opening up for Jay-Z one night, and then opening for this Get Out and Vote concert.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Yo i got the ill nasal drip, and its not from putting anything in my schnose. As i get ready to head up north (chicago) i get the feeling that i really need to get over this (whatever it is) cold? i heard its nice and cool up there not to mention windy and a tad dry so last thing i need is to head up there with a weak imune system (hopes for the best). Today i'll be going a different route with the upload, no funk/soul this time. As all of you do not know i am an avid oldschool electro/ miami bass collector so here I'm going for some classic Cali electro/freestyle from the year 1988 i bring you segment 2. You've probably never heard of them, mainly because they only released one single on tandeem records (cameron pauls label) none the less i really used to enjoy playing this track out (98-2003 ish) went well with other more well known cali tracks (x-men bonus beats, this is a test, Chain gang) hopefully you'll enjoy i as much as i have i decided to upload the Dub version for its lack of verses and added (fun) samples/ chop ups. If you dont who cameron paul was heres a nice little video i found on you tube about dude mixing it up, hes not mix master mike but he throws it down.
and heres him talking a bit abou the bay area scene
haha that vid is classic
anywho enough with my vids and shit, like you cant go look for yourselves (sheesh)
segment 2- cold pump that body dub
here a link to the actual track on youtube with verses
maybe next post ill do something about dj efx
Monday, October 20, 2008
the message
and what a message i have, i cant stand having some sort of cough or sickness. so far i've been bed ridden mainly because of my foot and now i have a sore throat, whatever no one cares haha now for my joy.
Cymande - what a great group, bringing us hits like brothers on the slide and BRA. formed in London England around 1971 , they mixed a form of calypso jazz music and American soul. too bad they disbanded 4 years later. i bring to you their initial single "the message" sampled by masta ace "me & the biz," and MC Solaar : Bouge de là
cymande- the message
Saturday, October 18, 2008
So, on the side I'm pretty political (PALIN 2012!!!)
I also disc jockey. I'm going to start touring supporting my home girls in '09.
It has been recently brought to my attention, as if i already did not know. I haven't been posting a lot recently, mostly because i have found myself not having anything to post about. Well fellow dj friend Contra explained to me no one cares. He gave me a few ideas of what i could post, since i have been ripping my vinyl collection to mptrees (not WAV sorry not enough room, nor money. so save it ryan) i'll be uploading atleast one track per week. Why just one track? because im greedy AHAHAHAHA ALL MINE COOKIE YUM, and lazy.
Anywho without further adue Lester Abrams AKA a lot of other bands but mostly i really appreciate this track. L.A Carnival, which used to be the les smith soul band, lester changed the name to LA carnival. The group was not a very big hit during the time, as for the group it slowly faded away.
which reminds me, off topic last night as i was laying i am of one color. My boy decided to ask me if i have any lighter shade of brown or fuschinckens which i dont. so i need to remember to get that, and what other way to do so than to post it here.
so now that i went of on a rant about something that has nothing to do with LA carnival or the track color
here it is for you
La Carnival- Color edit
also heres a nice little interview by stones throw on boob tube you snoob lube yoube
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pinch Hitter Reaches Pinnacle Of Career, Only To Have His "Ass Hammered" By Teammates.
I'm not really one for sports talk or sports in general, but if I knew what that this was what it was all about, I would have signed up years ago. - Watch more free videos
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday Mix Up (On Tuesday) :: Fixed Tracklisting
New Podcast up...This time it's more along the lines of Indy Dancey stuff, once again recorded live weekly at Level25 in the Conrad Hotel on Brickell, every Friday night.
Hometeam Podcast
• Cut Copy
• Hercules & Love Affair - Blind
• Junior Boys
• Santogold (XXXChange)
• Thom Yorke (XXXChange)
• LCD Soundsystem
• Brazilian Girls (Carl Craig)
• Carina Round
• Lykke Li (Tim Goldsworthy)
• Moby (Holy Ghost!)
• Chaz Jankel (Hercules & Love Affair)
• New Young Pony Club
• LadyHawke (Cut Copy)
• Goldfrapp (Alan Braxe & Fred Falke)
• Broadcast
• Bat For Lashes
Friday, October 3, 2008
Zen Munchkin
Its been awhile since "ve posted, so I thought I'd pop in a leave a zen munchkin to brighten up your day.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Rehash Redux
Found this cool illustration & animation(below) at NeuBlack.
* Well, it pretty much works with most anything u want to play on top of it. So you know, have fun w/ that.
Also, they wrote up on this site --
You know how they say that colors trigger/inspire certain moods/desires/thoughts within the human body? Well, how about what words invoke colors?
If I say "Confusion" . . . what color would you associate to that word? Go ahead and check out the site --- pretty interesting to see which colors most people relate to each word.

Bout to Watch This VP Debate Thang
. . . and lemme just put this thought out there -- we'll see if i'm at all accurate.
Sudok-On This
Apparently, according to an "I'm in the know" friend of mine, I'm one of the last remaining people that still uses Hotmail as my primary e-mail account; I guess my spam-filter blocked that "G-mail is IN" msg.
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly (Emlord Edit)
And You Don't Stop
Here's the OG video so that you can get to work on your dance moves when this gets dropped.
The Whispers - Rock Steady (Keeb$ Remix)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Storming The Castle
I recently took a trip to Italy with my good friend and associate, Aramis. We stayed, for the most part, in a small town called Ortona, which is, historically, an important city in Italy because of its port and has been involved in many wars. Parts of the town were built over 1,000 years ago and the whole town itself was originally surrounded by a stone wall, which was built with any type of stone or rock that could be found laying around, including ancient roman ruins.
Ok, enough with the boring history lesson. Anyway one night Aramis and I found ourselves standing in front of this castle, weary yet intrigued. We had heard stories about ghosts and Pagan shrines found in excavation and at 4am, there ain't much to do in Ortona except jump a fence and trespass in a 1,400 year old castle. That or have drunken sex with some hot, slightly over-tanned, yet hopefully undersexed Italian woman, but unless it was between me and Aramis, ain't none of that mess was happening on our trip. (What am I even talking about??!?!?)
Either way, we're standing outside of this ancient, powerful symbol of times past, Aramis looking slightly hesitant - scratch that, not slightly, VERY! As per usual, I'm looking to get into some trouble, urging Aramis that the time is NIGH! I say we just go in, see how to actually get into the castle and take a quick look before we come back tomorrow for the real deal adventure. He regretfully agrees and we run back to Mario's to grab the smallest flashlight we could find. Actually, this town is so dead quiet at night that running would have been too loud and even our normal pace of walking was making way too much noise.
Let's do the math: Ancient, mostly destroyed, possibly haunted Castle + the darkness of 4am + Dead Silence = Indiana Jones!
I dream of shit like this. For real if anyone in Miami is into this whole "Urban Exploration" thing, holler at me.
So on we go, we hop the fence, which is almost a joke if it's meant to keep people out (did I mention the castle is closed to the public??), and take our first steps into the unknown. I think you can actually see a ghost in a couple of them. Or maybe a Dark Overlord.
One last thing before this post starts to get long-winded (as if it hasn't already). I was and still am under the impression that there would be rooms and chambers and cellars and torture rooms, but as you can see in the pictures, there didn't seem to be any of that. Where the pictures were taken is only a fraction of how far down the castle's foundations are and I am still determined to find such rooms, even if they tell me that some war called "World War 2" basically bombed out everything and it was all covered in dirt. I DON'T BELIEVE 'EM!!! This castle was built into a mountain and there's gotta be a secret passageway somewhere at the bottom or something. I guess I'll find out next year!