I've only ever had a subscription to three magazines in my life.
Chronologically, they are:

Sports Illustrated for Kids
- My grandmother would renew this subscription every birthday of mine, even well after I had stopped reading it.

Mad Magazine
- My parents (read: Mom, cuz Dad didn't approve) would renew this every Christmas.

- The only subscription I ever had taken out myself. Actually, wait, that's a lie. I asked my sister to get it for me. But I definitely renewed it a couple times.
Anyways, I've been off the magazine diet for a while now, what with 'being green' and broke. That said Adbusters was/is a great magazine, and since my birthday is coming up real quick (go to Luis's tonight!) . . . *hint, hint* . . . . . . (EDIT: If you couldn't pick up on that hint, and you're looking for a bday present for me, get me a subscription to Adbusters. Thanks. Love you long time.)
Also, they've got an interesting article on the Hipster countered-counter-cultured-cultures.

In anti-segue news, when I used to work in radio -- I got this promo:

The artwork pretty much forces your arm to throw it in the nearest trash can, but thankfully I put it on the turntable to listen to. The whole album isn't great - but there are definitely some stand-out tracks.
Sound Defects - Faded Soul
EDIT: Now that I'm re-listening to it, here's another nice cut off the LP.
Sound Defects - Standing 8
Sound Defects - Standing 8
*A word to any aspiring artists sending/handing out promos -- eat Ramen for another month or two so that u can save up for some better design/packaging -- it really does make a difference. Giving out something that looks doo-doo, pretty much guarantees the same reaction. I can only imagine how much stuff a writer at Rolling Stone has to wade through to get to their bed. They probably listen to 1% of it.
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